April Entrance Ceremony
Health exam
First semester courses start
Research plan submission
Doctoral thesis (for a doctoral degree with course work and thesis completion) submission (for examination in July)
June 1st mid-term presentations
Public hearing of doctoral thesis (for July examination)
July End of first semester
University entrance exams (A Schedule)
September Degree award/graduation ceremony (in September)
Second semester courses start
October 2nd mid-term presentations
Master’s thesis title submission
Doctoral thesis (for a doctoral degree by thesis only) submission (for examination in February)
November Doctoral thesis (for a doctoral degree by course work and thesis completion) submission (for examination in February)
December Master’s thesis submission
January End of second semester
Master’s thesis final briefing
Public hearing of doctoral thesis (for February examination)
February University entrance exams (C Schedule)
Submission of research report
March Degree award/graduation ceremony
Doctoral thesis (for a doctoral degree by thesis only) submission (for examination in July)